Inka Williamsのインスタグラム(inkawilliams) - 3月28日 23時12分

Selamat hari raya Nyepi to all my Balinese family and friends. Nyepi is the Balinese/ Hindu "day of silence" (and the Saka new year) According to the Balinese and moon calendar, it is held on march 28th this year. The night before the silent day, these beasts which are called "Ogoh- Ogoh's" are made by each village in Bali and are carried through the streets to parade around fire and fight each other. This is traditionally to trap the bad spirits that surround the island, and scare them far away. The villagers then bring these hand crafted masterpieces to the beach, where they are burnt to the ground with the spirits trapped inside. The next day, not a soul leaves their house, airport and roads are closed ,no electricity is used and not even a rooster or street dog is heard. The island is completely swiched off for 24hrs and there is no way for the evil spirits to find their way back. Tonight, like every year, we lay under a sky pollution free and the univers is brighter than ever. The stars are out and we are all watching. 🌑✨ Thank you for such a magical tradition. I love you Bali, you will forever be my one and only home and i am eternally grateful. Suksma 🙏🏽• photo taken by my dear friend @glamazoid (I just edited them) x


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