lululemonのインスタグラム(lululemon) - 3月1日 10時43分

"I learned from a great man @imuakino1 that the meaning of aloha is much deeper than just hello and goodbye. It means to share breath/life with another person. It is the acknowledgment that there is life inside of you—and in meeting, we take a breath together to breathe each other's life in. I learned a lot these past few days while swimming with sharks, meditating in underground garage studios, and doing yoga. But, what I will take with me the most is the connections formed with the humble and proud Hawaiians that I had the privilege of meeting.”—ambassador @jianpablico. This past weekend we gathered a crew of our ambassadors to meet in Oahu to sweat, surf, share beers—and dive with sharks. #thesweatlife


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
