ニキ・ヴォリーズのインスタグラム(nikiwories) - 2月27日 20時23分

The only way to be able to come out of the negative is to try to stay in the positive. My competition was technically far from perfect, but mentally I came pretty close!! Coming here I knew it was going to be hard, mentally, physically and emotionally. I knew I was going to have to give every single bit I had to be able to finish those programs. But that was not going to stop me from doing it!! I came here, not to prove myself, but to believe myself. I came here not to overreach but to achieve. I did this not to show off but to perform. I came here to win, but this time winning didn't mean bringing back a gold medal, it meant bringing back a gold mindset. Winning is not always being on top of the podium. Sometimes winning is just as simple as doing what you wanted to do. Exactly this is why I can say that I won this weekend, maybe just for myself and in a whole different way, but it feels just as gold...


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