ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月21日 10時55分

First, Emil Ferris was paralyzed. Then her book, “My Favorite Thing Is Monsters,” got lost at sea. Set in turbulent, late 1960s Chicago, the blood-tingling graphic novel braids vintage monster imagery with the preternatural curiosity of a 10-year-old who fancies herself a wolf girl. Her book was originally scheduled to come out in October. But the cargo ship carrying the 10,000-book print run from South Korea to the United States was seized at the Panama Canal because the vessel’s owner was deep in debt. This snafu at sea happened years after Emil contracted West Nile virus. She woke up paralyzed from the waist down. “I’d lost the use of my right hand, so I couldn’t draw,” she said. And yet she taught herself to draw again, and later got an MFA in creative writing. Emil has spent her life as an artist, but she has also waited tables. “As we speak,” she said, “I have $14 and a bag of pecans.” But her inner life has always been rich because of her love for art. “It’s a delicious thing, to think about the artists you love,” Emil said. “I tend to taste chocolate.” @whittensabbatini took this portrait of the artist Emil Ferris while on #nytassignment.


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