ジョン・バロウマンのインスタグラム(johnscotbarrowman) - 2月18日 05時52分

Team, cast your vote!
BRAVEHOUNDS is a charity that provides companion dogs for ex-military personnel who might be having difficulties transitioning to civilian life or may be suffering loneliness or trauma. Bravehounds is a finalist in the 'Soldiering On' awards and it's now down to a popular vote.

You can show your support by clicking the link below and voting for The Bravehound Project JB

Vote: http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/765724/Pets-at-Home-Animal-Partner-Soldiering-on-Awards

What Bravehounds does: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/d0389278#/d0389278/40
Bravehound website: http://www.glenart.co.uk/g/bravehound/


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