東京DANDYのインスタグラム(tokyodandy) - 2月16日 15時55分

It's been around 6 years since I began my 'disposable lives' photo series. I've known for a while that towards the end of the project I wanted to come here, to a small village on the coast of Kyushu.
Towards the end of the war, thousands of Japanese boys & men aged 17 - 28 passed through the Kaiten (回天) training school here. Kaiten, which translates to 'return to heaven', were manned torpedoes and suicide boats. Once inside, the occupant of the torpedo was unable to open the hatch.
The schools were strict and if orders were disobeyed, the trainee may be expelled from the school. I find marvelous irony in that an individual willing to give their lives for their country could be dismissed for breaking rules such as drinking alcohol.
With the themes of Japanese national identity and youth that run through the 'disposable lives' body of photos I'm happy to have made it here for contemplation before I start work on the book. #回天 #disposablelives #instastory


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