Tammyのインスタグラム(tammyhembrow) - 2月14日 11時53分

Booty update: I've lost some (or a lot ?) of muscle/booty from not being able to train as much and not having my diet 100% (missing meals etc). I've just began increasing my calories as I'm ready to make some serious ? gains. I want to keep you guys updated on every stage I'm at. Ready to go harder than ever and can't wait to see some progress. I was looking at photos this morning from after I had Wolf and thinking how much fitter I looked than now but it's important not to criticise yourself too much and love yourself even if you're not at the stage you want to be. (PS This is just MY journey, i'm not in any way saying my body is bad, it's just not where I know it can be)
www.tammyhembrow.org for gym-based booty program. Home program will be available soon ?


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