クルーウェラのインスタグラム(krewella) - 2月9日 02時11分

Thank you @マット・ステファニーナ for inviting us to watch your class perform your choreography for our song ‘Team.’ We were humbled to be in the the presence of such gifted, confident, and hard working people of all ages. Not only was it truly rewarding to see around a hundred people dance in sync to our song, but the most amazing part about the experience was what the gathering signified - an example of how a diverse group of individuals with different stories and backgrounds can leave the bullshit behind, sweat side by side, and cheer each other on - cuz we’re ALL on the same team. Thanks to everyone who attended the class and gave us an incredible performance! #TeamKrewella (link to full video in our bio ??)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




