Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月30日 02時04分

Nothing like a Lewis hug. Unfortunately, the fool of our in-house Gorilla took this video terribly. I don't get it, my iPhone has a huge screen and all he had to do was make sure that Lewis and I were in frame and then press record. How can someone mess up taking a video on an iPhone? Supposedly it's idiot proof, I think it isn't...
Nada como un abrazo de Lewito pero vean que mal video tomó el Gorila. No entiendo cómo alguien puede tomar un mal video con un iPhone, se supone que es a prueba de idiotas...
@ルイス・ハミルトン #TeamLH #BabyLewisBJWT #SaveLions #ElTovBJWT


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