ダイアン・ゲレロのインスタグラム(dianexguerrero) - 1月25日 04時16分

I am so honored to be an Alex Award Winner! I'm so happy to see that people (especially young people) are connecting to my story and learning through some of my experiences. We must keep our heads up and our hopes high, even if the fate of our progression in our country seems bleak. I will continue to work hard so that we can maintain rational dialogue about immigration reform and I will stand by all of our immigrant communities to the best of my ability. I will STAND by all Women. I will STAND by my Native, Black, Asian, Muslim, Trans, LGBTQI, disabled, Military brothers and sisters. And I WILL STAND by all the oppressed. #sisepuede #yeswecan #nodapl @macmillanreads with @repostapp
?IN THE COUNTRY WE LOVE is an Alex Award winner! Congratulations, @dianeguerrero_!
Teachers: click the link in our bio to discover why this memoir is a must-read for your students. ?

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