ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 1月23日 08時17分

Yesterday, #womensmarch was life affirming. Thank you to the many, many millions of people who walked miles through snow, rain or sunshine to unite together. We are all beautifully unique. For me, this was not a march just for women. This was a demonstration to show how proud we are to stand with all people from every inch of the globe to educate, inspire and ultimately make the world a better place. Let's cement that feeling for ourselves in a #hatefreezone. Use the comments below to share why you marched, what you learned, a favorite moment or just how you're feeling today. Lets find a way to stretch out this communal inspiration and turn it into further action. We walked the walk, let's see how far we can go. I stand with all of you. Let's use the same spirit we had yesterday to connect and grow ✌️️(as always, comments will be monitored. Say anything hateful and you will be blocked)


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Jack Baranのインスタグラム
Jack Baranさんがフォロー
