ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 1月22日 06時55分

#WeMarch so no women ever has to chose between being powerful (strong) and loved (accepted). We can be both!!! ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?
#Repost from my sister @クロエ・ベネット
We marched in our nations capitol today. I was moved to tears standing shoulder to shoulder with women and men from not just all around the country, but all around the world. A lot of you ask me why we march.. we march for equality. We march because women's rights are human rights. We march because black lives matter and love is LOVE. We march because everyone woman has the right to her own fucking body. We march because we will NOT normalize a bigoted, sexist, racist, egotistical, stale Cheeto as our president. Today was incredible. ???????? To all of my sisters (and brothers) marching today wherever you are, remember to keep this fire!!? Today was just the beginning. Meet with your friends, know who your representatives are, vote every TWO years not just every four. Be vocal. Stay politically active. Fight for those who can't. This is the beginning. ???? #womensmarchonwashington #womensmarch

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