ケン・ロックゼンのインスタグラム(kenroczen94) - 1月19日 01時21分

@gatedropmx this is probably one of the worst things I have red in a long time. I don't remember this whole thing about what I got asked and stuff. First off, previous years had nothing to do with me maybe not winning the des nations or anything like that. 2015 I had a back issue that I got fixed and 2016 I had a switch to make. those are the reasons I didn't race. 2nd it says, "of course I know Jeffrey doesn't like Matterley Basin...! no I do not know that Jeffrey doesn't like Matterley Basin nor do I care. I got other things to focus on than worrying about what track a rider likes or hates. 3rd, "IF i got asked who's ass I would like to kick" (Doesn't sound like your typical Racer X interview). Anyway, You can't make it sound like that this was a statement that I made and use it as a head line. that's bullshit! You are just trying to push something out there to make a story. disappointed in this!


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