リンキーのインスタグラム(tireddadtrepreneur) - 1月16日 04時04分

After a few hours in ER and some x-rays we finally have @stinkylinkythefrenchie back home. We think he might have gotten into my suitcase and ate a piece of my sock. We are going to monitor him throughout the day in hopes that he doesn't vomit anymore and actually poops out what's left in his colon. We will take him for blood work and a follow up tomorrow morning. Thank you for the well wishes and support. I hate knowing that this is happening because I didn't keep him away from my clothes, but I'm glad it's not worse than it is and I can learn from this mistake.
#dog #dogs #frenchie #frenchies #dogsofinsta #dogstagram #dogsofig


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