テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 1月12日 01時39分

We love @farfromjaded’s illustration of her recent visit to Tate Modern. To celebrate and connect emerging artists from around the world, share your original artwork with #HeyTate. We’ll keep an eye out and re-post our favourites!
portrays me
exactly the way I see myself
something of value
full of potential
adorned in light,
a primary colour
in coexistence with others.
I am never just one thing
but an amalgamation of many things,
the perfect portrait

a #memoir of a day in 2016 where @isseyrider and I visited the #TateModern when the new #Switchouse opened.
she captured me as #OlafurEliasson 'Yellow versus Purple' cast a #shadow of light.
in that moment I was the art and the #art was me. call me crazy, I just see life differently.
#watercolour #illustration #fashionillustration #andotherstories #portrait #selfportrait #light #yellow #happiness #2017 #HappyNewYear

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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
