レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 1月11日 13時16分

Mr President- my first vote ever was cast for you (in line behind Busta Rhymes no less! I ❤️ NY) and it will always be an honor and a privilege to have joined forces with other Americans to elect a leader I believed in with every cell of my being. Your dignity, grace and passion changed minds & lives. You are a relentless advocate, a kind fighter, a fearless feminist father. You are a paragon of decency and honor. Oh, and you're fucking cool/funny. Like so many, I'm not ready to say goodbye. So I'll just thank you and hope you know that you're needed now more than ever (after a vacation. You and Michelle, your brilliant teammate, deserve a real umbrellas in your drinks vacation.) I hope you know that you don't just leave behind broken hearts- you also galvanized us and readied us for this moment and I'll watch that speech again any time I forget. I love you. Thank you.


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