ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 1月3日 06時35分

I've been studying this incredible photographer since I first picked up a National Geographic magazine when I was a kid and the photos inside by @davidalanharvey floored me. Lately we have been communicating and to know this perspective, this master, has an actual voice that expressed an interest in meeting me has humbled me to no end. Art bringing us together. We (myself included) get so caught up in the commerce of it all that we forget sometimes the creative weaving that surfaces the unknowable and ties it so elusively to the heart and it existentially dangles there for us to interpret. It's so personal and with that so character defining. I love artists: not the kind who present what is the reason for their art but those who stand in as much quiet awe at the elusive gift of what it all holds as we the viewer.
Thank you, pal, for humbly gracing us with your creative fingerprint.


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