吉松育美のインスタグラム(ikumiyoshimatsu) - 1月2日 14時57分


今年の年明けは家族で実家で過ごしました?みんな笑顔で新年を迎えてとっても幸せでした? :
昔は当たり前に一緒にいた家族、そして皆の健康が今では奇跡というか有難いことだなとしみじみ思います? : .
そして、ここでご縁をいただいて皆様と繋がりを持てていることもとーーーーーっても嬉しく思います?2017年も何卒皆様宜しくお願いいたします❤❤❤ .
吉松育美 :
Happy New year 2017!! I feel so fortunate to have welcomed the new year while seeing the happy faces of my family and being home to share their warmth and love... ❤

The warmth and support I take for granted from friends and family all the time really hits me during these holidays... I'm so grateful for people who I am connected too and for all of you??
And thanks to your support, 2017 is looking like a fantastic year with more amazing opportunities and bigger things to come!! Looking forward to sharing everything as we go!!✈✈✈✈✨
Love Ikumi✌


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