Microsoftのインスタグラム(microsoft) - 12月23日 03時05分

When he was six, he crossed his first glacier. At eight, he climbed a 3,000 meter peak and developed a passion for nature and the outdoors. Today, Andreas Alexander spends 11 months of the year living at the University Centre of Svalbard in Norway, the northern most settlement in the world. Only 1,336 kilometers away from the North Pole, Andreas studies glaciers, so mankind can benefit from a better understanding of the effects of ground temperature. This important research keeps him away from his family and friends, even during the holidays. To thank Andreas for his important work, we brought his family to him, connecting his family from Bavaria, Germany to his home on the glacier, via Skype and Microsoft Surface. Thank you, Andreas. And happy holidays to everyone, wherever you are. #fromMSFTwithlove


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