アレックス・パッチシオのインスタグラム(alex_puccio89) - 12月21日 01時53分

Psyched to have done my first V13/ 8B boulder, "Terre De Sienne", after my Spinal surgery, fusion, just over 5 months ago!!! In all honestly this come back has taken longer then my knee reconstruction last year in 2015. Even tho the actual Injury this time healed faster, 3 months for it to fuse, I was not able to do ANYTHING with my arms for almost 3 FULL month! ? I thought this time it would be faster and easier, but with my knee injury I think I actually got stronger since I was hangboarding and campusing just 2 weeks after surgery and then one foot climbing just 1 month after. Even tho I still don't feel quite as strong as before my injury it's nice to see these improvements! I just have to keep telling myself that I will get back there and more!!! ? I guess what I take away from all of this is that my arms are WAY more important then my legs. ? Thanks for all the support and ? @joelzerr ! #bouldering #womenwhoclimb #gettingstronger #timehealsallwounds #8Bagain @e9clothing @us_e9 @scarpana @petzl_official @frictionlabs @sendclimbing @kiltergrips


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