ベン・ヒギンズのインスタグラム(higgins.ben) - 12月20日 08時04分

Gray is 16 years old and has battled brain cancer for 10 years. He's had 17 surgeries, 5 chemo regimens, and was put under hospice care 3 times, yet he has fought through it every step of the way. His biggest struggle, believe it or not, is that he doesn't really fit in anywhere. He has a world-changing personality and just wants to be able to share it with people. On Wednesday, he is going to be live on Reddit so that anyone can ask him anything about his incredible journey - his life, his story, and his continued optimism. He is a special kid with an unimaginable will to live. He wants to bring attention to a charity that means so much to him called CoachArt, but more so just wants to fit in, even if just for a few hours. Anything you can do to help promote this graphic on social media would be amazing.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




