ベラ・ハディッドのインスタグラム(bellahadid) - 12月15日 09時12分

My heart is so heavy...How could it possibly be so bad? Nobody should have to go through something so disturbing..I am so disgusted at humanity for allowing mass murders like this to happen...mothers and fathers feeling helpless, not being able to save and protect their innocent babies...real human beings are being tortured, killed, massacred, with no medicine, no hospitals, schools, shelter, food... a human being, let alone, ANY being should never have to deal with torment like this...My deepest thoughts and prayers are with Aleppo... all of the beautiful men women and children that are suffering and dying...I am so sorry...pray pray pray... #aleppo ?????????? if there are any support sites or ways to help that you know of please write below❤️...


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