デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 12月11日 07時00分

As if today couldn't get any more bad ass. My good buddy @sebastianbach just sent me a copy of his new book '18 and Life on Skid Row' which I can't wait to read tomorrow. I hear it's incredible from all my rocker friends.
If you have never heard the story of how Bach & I met here it is again real quick.
I was on a flight in 2009 and saw this gigantic robot walk onto the flight wearing the coolest sunglasses ever created and his hair was beautiful like Moses.
It took me 3 seconds to realize who it was as he settled into his seat. I got on Twitter and posted, "Sebastian Bach is on my flight.. I kind of hope the plane goes down just to hear him scream." One minute later I hear "HEYYYY YOUUUUU!!!" I look up and Bach is slowly walking towards me finger raised, "I FOLLOW YOU MANNNNN!!" And he started laughing the best evil, cool, silly laugh in the history of laughter. And loud. The whole plane stopped and watched him stare down at me in my seat. We chatted loudly for a few and from there stayed in touch and hang from time to time. I've seen him perform so many times and I stand by this... one of the greatest rock voices ever. Thanks brother for this and congrats - YOU WROTE THIS MANNNNNN


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