タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月9日 21時06分

To all of you creatives out there.... stay encouraged please don't give up this world will stay the same if you keep your ideas and visions in your mind...... I get discouraged sometimes cause things don't happen as fast as I want them to but Gods timing is the best timing...... Please pray for me and I will do the same for you... My message to the world KEEP THE FIRE AND DESIRES BURNING inside and you will one day soon inshallah walk into your blessed destiny!!!! People will never understand on any level how gigantic my idea and bold visions are..... I never think local I think GLOBAL I never think urban I think multi ethnic all inclusive.... I won't stop, I will unapologetically run through anything or anyone who tries to stand in my way.. I won't rest until the VOLTRON vision and mission is accomplished -Capricorn #VoltronChairman #Blarab #Sharjah


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