ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月8日 14時20分

Since President Rodrigo #Duterte took office in the Philippines on June 30, more than 35,600 people have been arrested in antidrug operations the government calls Project Tokhang. The name is derived from a phrase meaning “knock and plead” in Cebuano, the president’s first language. In affluent neighborhoods, officers knock on doors and distribute pamphlets detailing the repercussions of drug use to the housekeepers who answer. In poorer districts, the police grab teenage boys and men off the street, run background checks, make arrests and sometimes shoot to kill. Government forces have gone door to door to more than 3.57 million residences, according to the police. More than 727,600 drug users and 56,500 pushers have surrendered so far, the police say, overcrowding prisons. At the Quezon City Jail, inmates take turns sleeping in any available space, including a basketball court. The photographer @danielberehulak took this photo, while documenting the brutal antidrug campaign in the #Philippines. Over 35 days, he photographed 41 homicide scenes, with 57 bodies. Visit the link in our profile to see more.


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