ヨルグ・バーホーベンのインスタグラム(jorgverhoeven) - 12月5日 05時59分

Total Brutal RIP! Due to complaints this Zillertal ultra-classic route cannot be climbed anymore... Since I missed the official good bye party and last chance to climb this route a final time before the bolts were taken out, it seems like I will just be looking at this line each time I drive my car underneath it. I'm sure some of you will know this route, and most will agree that in spite of quite some sika on the route, it will be missed!
Time for a highball ascent! Who's in?

Photo: #Reinifichtinger capturing @カタリーナ・ザーヴァイン crimping hard


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



