国際オリンピック委員会のインスタグラム(gorin) - 12月1日 14時00分

?????? #内村航平

#Repost @kohei198913 with @repostapp

Commencing from this first day of December, 2016, I will pursue my career as Japan's first ever professional gymnast.

From now on, I want to be proactive in advocating gymnastics to a larger audience; my own training should express how interesting and beautiful the sport can be.

I first need to make a full recovery from my injuries, but I am aiming to prepare for the All Japan Gymnastics Championships being held in April next year.

I will do everything that I can to accomplish these goals. Please support me throughout this journey.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



