デビッド・ポーコックのインスタグラム(davidpocock) - 11月30日 21時48分

Managed to get to a Save African Rhino Foundation fundraising dinner last night after training. Thanks to @tusk_org for supporting it and everyone who was there. Bryce Clemence, head of anti-poaching at Savé Valley Conservancy talked about the challenges rhino are facing and the situation on the ground. Last year I spent some time with Bryce and his team tracking rhino (with the Australian Story team). We were downwind of this white rhino and her calf and they were going to walk straight into us until Bryce started talking to let them know we were there and they moved away. With their poor eyesight and reliance on smell, you can see why they are so vulnerable to poaching. Incredible to get so close to these amazing beasts on foot. #rhino #zimbabwe


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