ブルックリン・デッカーのインスタグラム(brooklyndecker) - 11月11日 02時34分

Feeling a little stuck right now? Get out of the house and do some good this weekend. Maybe get a head start on your holiday shopping? Here's our plan...Keith Kreeger (the most talented ceramicist I know- and a really good human!) is opening the studio doors wide open during the #eastaustinstudiotour and would love to see you walk through them. 10% of all sales this weekend will benefit the @arfoundation (thank you, Keith!) The Andy Roddick Foundation believes that talent is universal while opportunity is not. Our fundraising is going to make sure kids find their passion and become a solid part of our community. @barmanfloyd will be here slinging drinks and donating his tips to the ARF as well, because he founded the @thebarmansfund .Come through, say hello, have a drink and do some good with us. #austin #art #andyroddickfoundation #porcelain #opportunitymatters


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




