ジェニファー・ビールスのインスタグラム(thejenniferbeals) - 11月11日 00時02分

This picture was taken at the beach where I spent most of my summers in Michigan. This is where I learned to swim, one of the things that has brought me the most peace in my life. Water. Just think of all the ways we interact, are replenished by water everyday of our lives. The water is our life source, it is crucial to the Earth's nourishment and to our own. To be clear, what is happening at Standing Rock is happening to all of us. The water in the Missouri River flows beyond the land of the Water Protectors it flows into communities hundreds and hundreds of miles away. All of those communities depend on the Missouri River and the related aquifers for their drinking water. To bury a pipe carrying highly compressed oil that flows at a rate of thousands of gallons per minute under that water is deeply irresponsible. The black snake under the water will inevitably bite--it would only be a matter of time. If they succeed in burying that snake, who's to say another won't be buried in hallowed ground near you. What happens to one happens to all. #nodapl #istandwithstandingrock #waterislife #standingrock #isaacmurdoch


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