Jason G. Sturgillのインスタグラム(jgspdx) - 11月10日 09時25分

Am I doing this right? Trying to be a human today, I've actually done something I somehow haven't done the entire time we've been in the Ford Building, I went out of my way to talk to people and have meaningful conversations. I spoke with the custodian who I've seen every day for years and felt like an asshole that I didn't know her name...now I do and she is super sweet. I reconnected with the crew down the hall at @airblaster who I worked for in the past and found out that @lucas_beaufort has been here and I missed meeting IRL! As a consolation prize I got this rad face/neck warmer with his print on it. Sometime all it takes is stopping to take 10 minutes out of your day to recognize we're all just trying to figure out how to make this world work for everyone. ✌️️?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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