クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 11月9日 09時39分

Tri State especially: you have a half hour to get to the polls. I know it's ALOT to ask you to jump into the swamp that has been this campaign. Yes it's been less than savory. But we can NOT let that deter us into this 2 steps forward 9 steps back action that is america. I'm talking to the lesser of 2 evils crew. The "he is worse than she" or "I'm doing what Susan is doin"---yes I get that anger. This is destroying your toys cause mom and dad INSIST on the cousin you can't stand having a turn (ok, bad time for this analogy w time ticking) at the very least PLEASE don't let Trump pick these Supreme Court justices. ESPECIALLY when a lot of these rulings are up for renewal some 50 years later (surprisingly even the right to vote)---look I vowed never to use PANIC as a means to pressure you into something (Jesus this is like bad prom night begging) but baby please baby baby please RUN TO THE POLL!----this is the one poll @chrisrock wants you on!!---and don't leave til you pull that lever!!!!!!


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