メリッサ・ジョーン・ハートのインスタグラム(melissajoanhart) - 11月9日 00時00分

Last night I was standing in the same spot Adams stood a few years before ?in Faneuil Hall, Boston. But I was standing up for the #Libertarian ticket and Govenors Johnson and Weld to fight for 5%. Just 5% today for their tickets means they get equal funding and opportunity to be on all 50 ballots in future elections. So for those who think this 3party is a #wastedvote, I say a #vote for our future is never wasted! Let's end this 2 party system and vote with our harts and not our hate. #GodBlessTheUSA @govgaryjohnson @govbillweld #Libertarian #3rdparty


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



