ノリタカタテハナのインスタグラム(noritaka_tatehana) - 11月5日 00時28分

My exhibition has started from November 3rd. The exhibition is held in an architecture designed by Junzo Sakakura, where most of my works are displayed in two rooms connected by a bridge. The red room themes "Life," and the black room on the other hand themes "Death"; visitors can experience the works by crossing the bridge that connects one another. Come visit the Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum to jump into the world where Noritaka Tatehana and Taro Okamoto confronts with each other. -- Noritaka Tatehana: Aesthetics of Magic
Thursday November 3, 2016 - Sunday March 5, 2017 ■OPEN HOURS: 11:00 - 18:00(final admission 17:30) ■CLOSED : Tuesdays (except for national holidays)

#noritakatatehana #TaroOkamotoMemorialMuseum #aestheticsofmagic #舘鼻則孝 #呪力の美学


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