DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 11月3日 05時24分

???Saying goodbye to our babies for three whole weeks ??? For some of you that already follow me on @jennifer__jane you will know we are off to New York! Which is SO amazing and we are so excited! (It was a surprise birthday present from my husband) But I haaattteee leaving the boys! ? I'm dying to meet my first ever Pitbull in NYC though!! ??? I'm going to be stalking allllll the parks trying to find some! ??
So now, we've decided to hand our @DARREN&PHILLIP Instagram entirely over to the boys and let them take it from here. (I'm just about to hand Dazzy the phone) ? So for the next three weeks you will get to see what they get up to direct from the horses mouth! Hopefully they act responsibly whilst home alone..... ??? (obvs they aren't really home alone but we are pretending they are just run with it ?) See our goodbyes on snapchat this morning the_blueboys and my dear mother will be snapping them daily for you all. ❤️❤️❤️


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