タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 11月2日 08時26分

I use to be a fan of @WikiLeaks but when u peel back the layers there's some questionable shit, starting w Assange white supremacist cult upbringing. Here is former KKK grand dragon David Duke thanking @WikiLeaks for supporting Trump. Who the KKK officially endorsed today. Did they denounce Duke? No. But it took @WikiLeaks less than an hour to respond to a tweet by little ol me questioning these connections. Suss AF. Watch the connection between white supremacists, KKK, the white supremacist website Breitbart, Breitbart editors who run Trump campaign, men's rights activists, Alex Jones, Info Wars etc. all white supremacists. Wikileaks be RTing ALL those people but claims they just about the truth. Nope. We've seen this before. People of color are not fooled by the dog whistles, the Pepe and Harambe memes, the "dindu nuffin" SJW, regressive left, "muh" nonsense they ALL be on. Fuck just getting woke. I BEEN awake. One love to all the compassionate intelligent freedom lovers who see thru the nonsense.


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