CNNのインスタグラム(cnn) - 10月18日 01時02分

Muslim Americans describe the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as a seminal moment that painfully altered their place in American society. But when CNN interviewed American Muslims about the presidential election, we heard a startling message: 2016 is worse.

At the ADAMS Center's Radiant Hearts Academy in Sterling, Virginia, where preschoolers to second graders are taught a curriculum centered on Islamic values, teachers and parents are grappling with how to explain the U.S. presidential election to children." You can't really hide it, you know? If it's in the news and your parents are watching the news, it'll come up and the word 'Muslim' will come up," says Hurunnessa Fariad, the school's vice principal.
Originally from Uzbekistan, Fariad moved to the US when she was little and now has four daughters. "You have to constantly tell your children, 'No, we're not going anywhere. We're here, you know, we haven't done anything wrong,'" she tells CNN. Fariad doesn't want to share who she will vote for in November, only saying: "It's obvious." (?: Jeremy Moorehead/CNN. For more, see the link in our profile.)


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