Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月17日 02時07分

Billy The Kid used to say that if one has 2 or 3 Pals, one has a family. Supposedly, he was killed by one of his best friends, a traitor called Patt Garrett, after Patt became Sheriff. Billy, Chavez, Charlie and Doc were victims of the circumstances of their time: After John Tunstall, the person that saved them from a life on the streets by teaching them how to read and giving them a job and food, got assassinated, they avenged him. And the myth of Billy The Kid started there. When I found out about this story like 15 years ago, I decided to get a tattoo, even though I dislike tattoos. And some years later, in Ibiza, I finally tattooed on my left forearm the word "Pals". I want Billy to know, even through time and space, that there are Humans that still believe in loyalty, in camaraderie, and in a Sacred bond between Pals. One of these days, hopefully soon, I will name some of my kids Billy, Doc, Charlie and Chavez, and their Pride will have the hashtag #TheRegulatorsBJWT , and more than 130 years after the original gang got formed, a more Powerful one will start creating history again on Planet Earth. I hate disloyal people, I could be accused of every capital sin if you want, but never of being an ungrateful person...
#PalsBJWT #BillyBJWT #CharlieBJWT #DocBJWT #ChavezBJWT


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