チャック・ヒッティンガーのインスタグラム(charleshittinger) - 10月9日 02時48分

I find this so representative of a typical LA actor. Self promotion is antithetical to being an actor. A character shouldn't be the best aspects of who the actor thinks they are of themselves. Characters should reveal hidden truths and imperfections that in turn reveal humanity. It's okay to NOT be perfect all the time. To NOT be the best at everything. What ever happened to making a mistake and working to learn from that mistake?! Perfect acting is BORING! It lacks the imperfect human element. It's acting for a computer. We are NOT computers but we're judging ourselves based on how computers think. Without mistakes, where everything is perfect, where we are without flaws. This way of representing humanity is wrong and will lead us into denying ourselves and what makes us human. Our perfection resides in the acknowledgment and acceptance of our imperfection. That's what helps bring people together. Otherwise we're just going to be meeting people and only talking about ourselves, not listening and waiting for the next opportunity to talk about ourselves again. Just a bunch self absorbed egomaniacs. No thanks.


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