Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月2日 00時06分

Here is the King that stupid people wanted me to kill. Here is the King that stupid people used as a mirror to hate on us. Here is the King that for 2 months served as material for supposedly Animal Lovers to try to spread more darkness around the Planet. But here is the King that proved that Love is more Powerful than stupidity and hate. Here is the King that brought millions of Humans together by captivating their Hearts with his struggle and will to live. Here is the King that became the most Loved Tiger in the history of Planet Earth. Here is the King that just like the fabled Phoenix, rose from the ashes and became a symbol of Hope, Truth, Love, Strength and Peace. This King now has a girlfriend and 2 other Pals. And the father of this King wants to say 2 things: Thank you to the millions of Humans that made this miracle possible with their healing Blue Energy. And the second, directed at the pieces of shit that wanted his son dead just because they are jealous of their father: We won. Love Always wins. Kiss our Mexican butts and change your profession you Animal exploiters. WE WON. HUMANITY WON. YOU LOST. AS ALWAYS...
#ThinkBlue #AchillesBJWT #TheBluePrideBJWT #BeHuman #SaveOurPlanet #SaveLions #SaveTigers #SaveLeopards #SaveJaguars #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #RescuedTigers #RescuedHumans #ThinkBlue


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