ロッコのインスタグラム(roccothepug) - 9月23日 03時24分

#tbt to one of the first pictures I posted of Rocco on the table with a cocktail, it was also the day I cried outside the local twin liquors because they didn’t have Creme de Violette. Yes, I really truly cried ?
I’d had the absolute worst day at work and the only thing that kept me from breaking down was the thought of a cocktail made with Creme de Violette. Mind you I’d never tasted creme de violette but I just knew it would be magic and would erase the hellish day I’d had. I drove straight to the liquor store on my way home and had an emotional breakdown when I couldn’t find it and was told they didn’t carry it. I called my husband from the parking lot, by this point I was crying some massive mascara tears. When I got home my husband (being the wonderful hubby he is) quickly drove me to another liquor store to get the life saving creme de violette. Once home I rushed to make the Violet Fizz I'd been in desperate need of. I took my first drink and my mouth immediately rejected it! My goodness was this drink horrible! It was like I had taken a sip of a very floral perfume and licked a bar of soap at the same time! So I gave up and ate an entire bag of Hershey's miniatures instead ??
I do like creme de violette though, it’s very good in cocktails especially an Aviation but getting the ratio right is key. I tend to add it with a dropper to avoid overdoing it.


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