イリース・バウマンのインスタグラム(baumanelise) - 9月20日 09時41分

Had such a magical first full day in Sydney yesterday. Found a yoga studio in the am, bargained a pair of shoes down to $30 from a vintage store, had lunch with some of the fab people at @queerscreen to prepare for the week ahead, walked through Hyde Park where they had these outdoor photography exhibits, went to the Art Gallery of New South Wales, walked through the botanical gardens then down along the waterfront, sat on a dock and watched a man fishing, saw the sun set from the Opera House, then went home and had dinner with my hosts and ate way too many Tim Tams. One of my favourite things about being in a new city is that all your senses become alive and you see everything with fresh eyes. You start noticing all the colours and light and smells and people a little more vividly....perspectives shift when you're more aware of your surroundings.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



