オープニングセレモニーのインスタグラム(openingceremony) - 9月18日 04時01分

"How do I balance family and career? People ask me that all the time. Men never get asked that question because they don’t. They just ignore the child and that’s completely socially acceptable. Dads get so much praise for doing so little. My husband occasionally changes diapers, and people, they can’t believe it. They’re like, ‘Oh my god, I cannot believe that your husband changes diapers—what a doting modern father.’ When my baby girl was first born, I would do skin-on-skin contact to bond with her, she’d shit on my chest. Where’s my trophy at? Real talk, this is how I balance family and career: I have a nanny. Yes, I have a nanny and I work my ass off to pay for the nanny. She’s $3,000 a month so we gotta hustle, my husband and I, we both gotta work very hard to not take care of our child. Thank you.” — @aliwong3000 at OC’s #PageantOfThePeople ?? #OCForVoting


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