タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月8日 07時03分

A fearless leader will travel into #unfamiliar places - to reach a level of success that's #unfamiliar to most..... Most rely on the comfortability of people, friends and familiar faces in order to accomplish their goals- Then you realize that when God is about to bless you with a life changing breakthrough ? It's almost uncomfortable to know that he ONLY has YOU in mind to receive - I'm in Georgia alone and for some strange reason I am more comfortable and feel a real sense of calm..... The visions and the goals are bold, clear and very specific and my prayers are too...... #VoltronEnterprisesChairman - When you end up having another sleepless night - just get down on your knees and pray...... Ask God to ORDER your footsteps and that will be the start of you getting familiar with the unfamiliar and only through obedience will you decide to stay the course and you will be blessed..... My name is Tyrese Gibson and I approve of this message #VoltronChairman


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