ケンゾーミナミのインスタグラム(kenzominami) - 9月7日 12時52分

Luxury of being able to watch Kurosawa's 'Ikiru' in my neighborhood in 35mm. Everyone applauded. (And this film deserve two posts for it.) I would go so far as to say that it's a shame if you go whole life without seeing this film. I love this film that much. I also later realized that today (September 6th) was the day Kurosawa passed away... I wonder if the theatre realized it. Especially for this particular film, it is such a day to see it. 黒澤の「生きる」を近所の映画館で35mm映写で観る事の出来る幸せ。ニューヨーカー皆拍手していました。生きている間に是非観てください。それと何の偶然か、今日(9月6日)は黒沢監督がお亡くなりになられた日でした。映画館は気付いていたんでしょうか…? #生きる #黒澤明 #志村喬 #ikiru #akirakurosawa #takashishimura


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