昨日の真栄田岬。 白化現象が進んでる?? . 白くなった珊瑚は瀕死の状態。でも未だ頑張って生きてる。頑張って頑張って、台風を待ってる。 . 知らずに瀕死の珊瑚達の上に乗る方達は今すぐ珊瑚から降りて。 #ソレ岩じゃないです 今まで知らずに乗ってた人は2度と乗らない様に。 ビーチエントリーする時にもし干潮だったら気をつけてね。エントリー時に足下が見えなくて踏む事もあるけど、なるべく歩かないで浮いて、バタ足では無くて手で泳いでね。 . 昨日だけで何人に注意したやら。(。-_-。) 私も純粋に楽しみたいけど、ズカズカ珊瑚を踏む達を見てると全然楽しめない。 だから観光客が多い海に行きたくない。? . 沖縄大好きなフォローワーさんにお願いです。 珊瑚を踏む人達を見たら注意してください。 見て見ぬふりをしないで。 花壇を踏み躙る人は少ない。珊瑚も同じです。踏まれたら折れるし、いずれ死にます。 沖縄大好きって言うなら、一緒にキレイな沖縄を守って下さい。 . DO NOT step/walk/touch/kick the corals. Just leave corals alone. As there are no typhoons coming near to Okinawa, water temperature is extremely high this year. Consequently corals are highly stressed and it led them "bleaching". They are barely alive but patiently waiting for typhoon blessing. Stepping on or walking on them Is kinda like getting beat up when you have 104F fever. Not very nice at all. You don't walk in to the flower garden and start to step on them intentionally , do ya? Corals are like underwater flowers. Their brunch breaks very easily and kept steeping on them will lead them to death eventually. And when you see some ignorants stepping or walking on corals, please take some actions. It only takes a few seconds of your life to save corals or it takes years for corals to grow back. Let's protect our beautiful nature together. . . #珊瑚#珊瑚の危機#白化現象#珊瑚の白化#corals#bleaching#coralbleaching#savecorals#okinawa

no_ocean_no_lifeさん(@no_ocean_no_life)が投稿した動画 -

littleportelyのインスタグラム(no_ocean_no_life) - 8月12日 15時08分



昨日だけで何人に注意したやら。(。-_-。) 私も純粋に楽しみたいけど、ズカズカ珊瑚を踏む達を見てると全然楽しめない。
だから観光客が多い海に行きたくない。? .
DO NOT step/walk/touch/kick the corals. Just leave corals alone.
As there are no typhoons coming near to Okinawa, water temperature is extremely high this year. Consequently corals are highly stressed and it led them "bleaching". They are barely alive but patiently waiting for typhoon blessing. Stepping on or walking on them Is kinda like getting beat up when you have 104F fever. Not very nice at all.
You don't walk in to the flower garden and start to step on them intentionally , do ya? Corals are like underwater flowers. Their brunch breaks very easily and kept steeping on them will lead them to death eventually.
And when you see some ignorants stepping or walking on corals, please take some actions. It only takes a few seconds of your life to save corals or it takes years for corals to grow back.
Let's protect our beautiful nature together. . .


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