タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 8月1日 23時45分

#SHOWCANCELED It breaks my heart to post this.. the #OWN Network has decided to pass on SEASON 2 of our show… ( #watch this full clip the link is in my Instagram bio )...... Message to one of my biggest inspirations mother Oprah Winfrey and team.. Honestly as much as I want to be mad and disappointed, I can’t be because you believed in us enough to give us a shot. A shot that you could of given to anyone...... We were inspired to have a moment to finally spark a #mature dialogue and put some positivity on the air and not another RATCHET show throwing drinks, fighting and taking things into ratchet levels for ratings..... THAT WOULD OF BEEN EASY RIGHT....? With love in my heart and pure determination I say this.... On behalf of myself and my best friend and mentor, REV RUN…  Thank you to all of the fans who rocked with us and tuned in..... Dammit! Let me see if I can get the CHAIRMAN and CEO of NETFLIX, Spotify, Amazon other networks that are all needing content. /. on LINE 1… #ItsNotYouItsMEN will live on!

Oprah gave some some strong advise that I will hold onto as we look for our new home....... "Think like a KING, a KING is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” -Oprah ....................... ( what was your favorite episodes? What did you take away? What heated debates did you and your crew have after each show?
Comment below!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




