宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 7月25日 21時16分

【Mamo★Dise マモのライブ Let's Watch WAKENING! Part 17】 今日は、「WAKENING!」 の続きを行きましょう!? 「カノン」 パフォーマンスを見ましたか?本当にカッコよかったですよね ?? さぁ、次の曲は… 「KissxKiss」 でしたよ!可愛いマモも出たぁあ ? そういえば、今度のマモライも横浜アリーナですね… 横アリって、すごいじゃないですか?日本武道館よりでかいでしょ??? Okay time for 「WAKENING!」 again.. super cool 「Canon」 being over means that it's time for super cute 「KissxKiss」 now! ? Don't you just love how Mamo can switch genres so extremely quickly like this? Hahaha. ?? Whenever I watch this live, it always gets me really excited for Mamo's upcoming live as well.. because his next one, it'll be here again, in Yokohama Arena! ? Usually his live finales are in Budokan (like during AMAZING! and GENERATING!) but Yokohama Arena is actually slightly bigger (by 3,000 seats, I think?).. so I'm really excited! ? I mean you can literally see how huge this venue is from just this clip.. it's really breathtaking! ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #声優 #seiyuu #mamodisewakening


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