Grace Bonneyのインスタグラム(designsponge) - 7月22日 20時40分

This week has felt so very long, but I'm so happy to be home and waking up to the sound of dogs barking downstairs and needing to do things that don't require a screen like watering plants and cleaning up and tending to our tiny vegetable garden.
Sometimes with so much excitement just around the corner, I feel overwhelmed before anything has even started. In those moments I have to remind myself to slow down, breathe and focus on small things. This morning I'm focusing on these incredible straw flowers @the_wildbunch shared in #dscolor . I didn't always love strawflowers (something about them being scratchy and dry), but good friends brought us some last weekend and they now live on in a little vase above the sink. Realizing that they would live on for a long time as a reminder of good talks, good times and good friends made me have a whole new appreciation for them.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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