ミーシャ・コリンズのインスタグラム(misha) - 7月22日 09時04分

There are less than 24 hours left to register for GISHWHES.com!

I know, I know... You're a procrastinator. You're the kind of person that likes to wait until the clock reads 00:01 before you cut the wire to defuse the bomb. You thrive under pressure.

Well, this is it. It's time to act! In less than 24 hours, it'll be too late.
I don't want you to miss out on GISHWHES!
I want you to be able to take part in a week of weird, amazing adventures with thousands of people in hundreds of countries. Let's make the world wobble on its axis and change it for the weirder together!

It's down to the wire now. Take action!

Join gishwhes.com today!

PS: any GISHWHES virgins have questions? Post them below and either me or past gishers will reply with words of wisdom. (Past gishers, help a brother out here.)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



